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Paul P

A Jungian Analyst?

LORD! Save us all!

Let's chat privately sometime about depression. It took me years to manage it and find the right drugs, which, if you recall, I was loathe to take an aspirin... Lord, those days are long gone as I gulp down a handful of strangely almost all white pills. Could someone at Pfizer (sp?) PLEASE wake up and tell them we like pretty colors? It helps when you drop your big mess on the floor too. I understand that realizing depression as a cause and effect of Hep-C is in itself freeing and helpful in acceptance and moving on with tit. But, the white elephant remains, damn him!!! Similar to (OK, I admit it!) when I have a herpes outbreak coming on (YES, THERE!!!) I know beforehand because I get crabby and irratable (sp? Hey, it's 4 AM and like you, my sleeping habits are horrible!). OK, I get crabbier. If I can offer ANY insight from my own experiences with anxiety and depression, please, email me and when I am able (moving in six weeks or so from beautiful New Jersey to Arizona!) I will fill you in.

My personal goal (before becoming a Jungian Analyst...elbow. elbow) is to beef up from my 200 lbs (my ideal weight) to a muscledaddy weight of 220-230 within a year of moving to AZ. For ME. Not for vanity, for it is proven that lean muscle extends our lives (wicked as we are!) more than the little fat I have left (and that's on my liver!).

Other goals: to live again through my art (We were roomies when I last painted in 1993!)and to begin writing again and when completed, find a publisher for my book. The working title: "Here, Judy! Take these! A self-help guide to the newly diagnosed HIV/AIDS". I'm amenable to changes in the title with one exception. "Here, Judy! Take these!" must remain!

Again, drop a note and I will fill you up and in if you wish on my experience and final great resolution(s) to depression and anxiety (bad, bad panic attacks post-diagnosis...like a bawling baby at work. I hang my head in mock shame!) - perhaps something within my tale(s) may assist you. Or not, you Jung man you!


Paul P

PS RE: Your comment on "the idea that I could do such a thing is rather fun to play with..." I'll send you an Etch-A-Sketch. Play with that. You know I love you more than my luggage, Jung man!
I send you big hugs.... it's been too long! A lifetime in certain ways... hell, I'm a newbie with a diagnosis date of 7 July 6, 2001. Hey, I admired you enough to try and follow in your footsteps... *giggle*

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