... and therefore what I object to most strenuously about the New Depression, about the lack of new jobs and money and general hunkering down, is that if I'd been lucky – ha! as if! – if I'd been lucky, when everyone hunkered down, I'd be in Hawaii. Or California. Or Palermo...
not here. Stuck here with no prospects.
Yes, you needn't tell me that's heartless and egotistical, I don't much care.
I wonder, when things collapsed in 1929, whether people in Fiji were relieved to be stuck there with no way off the island?... of course they didn't know there'd be War in the Pacific, as the phrase goes....
(A small, apposite joke said to Mitchell tonight in a long phone exchange: if it really is like the 1930s – in a Mosley novel, not a Hemingway one – I'll despair of everything and go off to fight in the Spanish Civil War – and that new Spanish Civil War will, somehow, be about condo prices....)