Especially American politics.
Since I was young when watching news about the Viet Nam war, since I was a teenager when Nixon showed us what politicians are made of, since I watched in despair as Reagan, then Bush, wrecked everything I had liked about America – and not incidentally directly impacted my own life, through inaction over AIDS and dismantling the system that supported the arts in America – I have come to think it's all horrible. Crap. Yuck.
Not quite incidentally, the Facebook application based on the wonderful website The Political Compass has me way down in the middle of the lower left quadrant – and all twelve of my friends who have answered their questionnaire are similarly in that area. Radicals all; while all the candidates, including the Democrats, are in the upper right quadrant. Perhaps everyone I've ever met is a bizarre leftist liberal pinko commie, but it seems odd that the two groups are so far apart.
But it's impossible not to have an opinion these days, of course. I hope, very much, that Obama wins; I was a bit sorry it wasn't Hilary Clinton, but for perhaps rather strange reasons – I'm pretty sure that the nefarious machinery Bush has left in place can only be fought by someone who's not at all nice. I would rather have had a shark than a pussycat, frankly. But hopefully Obama will hire some sharks to work for him.
Of course the entire discussion these days is: a black man for president? no woman for president? a woman nominated for vice president?... and lots of intelligent and nonsensical ink spilled. Of course these are very important issues...
but today it occurred to me: how soon will we see an openly gay president?
Ha. I won't hold my breath, either.
nope... not anytime soon... :-(
Posted by: | September 07, 2008 at 06:17 PM