meeting. meeting. meeting. angry clash. meeting. meeting. meeting.
home. uninterested in much. trying to do real work on paper for next week.
meeting. meeting. lunch in staff room. meeting. meeting. meeting. meeting.
home. DVD player is broken, can't play movies. Trying to tell me something?
meeting. meeting. meeting. meeting. meeting. meeting.
So, these seven habits of highly successful people... okay, I know, these are people who get up early, they are undoubtedly morning people, perky and hideously cheerful upon awakening, and they schedule their days and never sit around watching television or playing computer solitaire or just sleeping...
so, these seven habits of highly successful people: if I were to do just, say, one habit occasionally, would I get one-seventh of a miraculous amount of work done?
Tomorrow morning: meeting meeting meeting.
This paper. Sigh.
Well I've got my Powerpoint slides all pretty anyway. Some content would be nice of course but...
Oh well to bed –