Another long day in a series of long days. Some things going well, some exasperating, near to maddening. Colleagues intermittently pleasant, wise and helpful, or occasionally, luckily and mercifully briefly, flaming assholes. Not so bad I suppose – many in business deal with much more, and much worse; and I have of course fought intermittently over the years to have more responsibility, more executive control. And such meetings and clashes appear when one climbs the ladder, even a little bit.
Naturally this is all in a context of delayed promotion (my bizarre and disjunct career has left me finally having certain kinds of authority only fairly late – as many as ten years later than might have been appropriate) and the perpetual difficulty of dealing with people's chaotic, sometimes irresponsible reactions (my inability in this area is actually slightly heightened by my increasing tendency and desire over the past couple of years to detach myself from the chaos of people's battles – as though, at the points in my life where I can increasingly deal with emotional worlds, I no longer want to waste too much time on them). That of course suggests my long-term position, which actually fits many of my decisions over the past five years – keep moving forward, keep moving up, when it's worth it; and at the same time retreat from the unnecessary to perhaps focus more on writing, on research, on the inner world that should probably have been my single focus since I was seventeen, now over thirty years ago.
Apologies for the Germanic, and/or convoluted, sentences. Mild apologies only, however.
The good news is that none of the difficulties really bother me; even the worst moments of the past few days were merely management problems, merely evidence that a certain detachment is valuable. Too bad I hadn't firmly reached this point by the time I was forty – ah well, we all develop at different paces, and of course there are many ways that I have grown up over the years, including many ways I would never have thought necessary or worthwhile had I been planning my life myself.
(There's a perhaps rather obvious thing to notice: damned good thing I didn't get to dictate what happened to me in life, isn't it? Probably a valuable thing for anyone.)
From left field, a different problem presents itself – next Saturday Europride in London; Patrick and I might go. My immediate reaction: must go, it'll be fun, but could I possibly lose twenty pounds first? It is disappointing these days to be in a fun gay context, with the possibilities of meeting someone, and yet feel dowdy. Oh well... the same reaction last week, when Hans-Rainer kindly called, wanting to know when I'd come to Berlin, when we'd see each other; and of course my first thought was, well, when I magically lose some weight. Hmm; perhaps I learned too much from LA body culture.
So: no anguish, no big problems. Not even some of the tiring grayness of a month or so ago. But a certain hesitation, a certain unclarity – as though waiting for things to go wrong, or perhaps not quite wrong but only inadequately right.
At today's lunchtime writing workshop, I got to reflect on some of the associated feelings around all of this by writing a mini-tour de force; we settled on a rather silly, conglomerate writing exercise – write about your worst date ever. I ended up doing about six pages, rapidly, of the most maddening dithering I could come up with – essentially trying to reproduce someone telling about their worst date ever, but taking so long to do so, with so many detours and unimportant turns and tangents, that the reader would want to strangle them in sheer annoyance. One of the women, laughing, said it won the Avoidance Award... perhaps that's the pattern here: the dizzy, mildly silly spinning of one's wheels....
But, behind all of this, the flash of grace: in working on my paper on Sondheim, Buddhism and Heidegger (yes, I know – one can't help the reaction, 'Huh?', but trust me), I continue to think about those senses of being, of time, of eternity, and the perfection of what is. Merely on a bus, reading Steiner on Heidegger, and reading an explanation of the links between being and time: that perhaps helps me get through the days....